"One of Atlanta's Largest Remaining Forests Has Been Saved. Now What?" Atlanta Magazine, 30 Dec. 2020
"Group Says Atlanta is Losing Too Many Trees to Development." WSBTV, 29 Dec. 2020
"Time for Atlanta's Arborists, Developers and Citizens to Advocate for Trees." SaportaReport, 21 Dec. 2020
"Above the Waterline: Signs of Hope in New Forest Preserve, Tree Protection Efforts." Atlanta Intown, 10 Dec. 2020
"DEFORESTATION OF ATLANTA CONTINUES......The City is Destroying an Important Resource in the Fight Against Climate Change." Streets of Atlanta, 6 Dec. 2020
"Audit: Atlanta Planning Department Overspent Millions of Tree Trust Fund on Salaries and Benefits." Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 13 Oct. 2020
"Atlanta Overspent Tree Money on Salaries Instead of Canopy, Say Auditors." SaportaReport, 3 Oct. 2020
"Known for Its Trees, Greenville May Copy Atlanta to Protect a Shrinking Canopy." Post and Courier, 16 Sept. 2020
"Atlanta's Trees Are More Vulnerable when the City's Arborists Aren't out in the Field." SaportaReport, 14 Sept. 2020
"Trees Atlanta Planting Roots for New HQ Along the BeltLine on the Westside." SaportaReport, 7 Sept. 2020
"New Brookhaven Tree Ordinance is on the Way Amid Cutting Controversies." Reporter Newspapers, 28 Aug. 2020
(Concerns Brookhaven's tree ordinance issues and planned rewrite process.)
"With Big New Park, Atlanta Protects A Forest With A Long History." 90.1 FM WABE, 25 Aug. 2020
"Atlanta Tweaks Tree Protection, Floats Idea of Forming Urban Forestry Division." SaportaReport, 25 Aug. 2020
"Consultant: Metro Atlanta's urban sprawl should raise concerns for all." Northside Neighbor, 14 Aug 2020
"Tree Ordinance Discussion Bears Fruit." Livable Buckhead, 15 July 2020
"Is Our Tree Protection Ordinance Fair?" INMAN PARK TREE WATCH, 30 June 2020
"Citizens Group Proposes an Alternative Tree Ordinance for Atlanta." SaportaReport, 28 June 2020
"Atlanta Is Still Trying To Redo Its Tree Ordinance." 90.1 FM WABE, 25 June 2020
"Atlanta City Council Will Hold Meeting on Protecting City's Tree Canopy." Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 24 June 2020
"LISTEN: City Council Holds Virtual Work Session on Tree Protection Ordinance." Atlanta INtown Paper, 22 June 2020
"Want to learn more about Atlanta's tree ordinance rewrite? Here's how you can." Northside Neighbor, 19 June 2020.
"Atlanta Tree Fund Questions May Affect Protection Ordinance." Reporter Newspapers, 30 May 2020
"The Stumpery is Trees Atlanta's Latest Garden Addition to the BeltLine Arboretum." Atlanta Intown, 22 May 2020
"The City of Atlanta Robbed the Tree Trust Fund of Millions for Years." Streets of Atlanta, 7 May 2020
"Just in Time for Earth Day, City Acquires 216-acre Greenspace for Tree Canopy Protection." Atlanta Intown, 22 Apr. 2021
"Report: Atlanta Has Misappropriated $3.3M from Its Tree Trust Fund." Northside Neighbor, 22 Apr. 2020
"Conservation Deal Preserves 216 Acres of Green Space in Southeast Atlanta." Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 22 Apr. 2020
"How to Know Whether Your Tree Will Fall During a Bad Storm." Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 22 Apr. 2020
"Trees and Seedlings Come Up $3.4 Million Short in Atlanta Spending, Say Advocates." SaportaReport, 20 Apr. 2020
"Trees at Grady High." SaportaReport, 7 Apr. 2020
"Tree Protection Ordinance 1.0." INMAN PARK TREE WATCH, 7 Apr. 2020
"Tensions on City Advisory Group Cloud Mayor's Commitment to Planning Director Tim Keane." SaportaReport, 6 Apr. 2020
(Concerns Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms' commitment to Tim Keane and tree canopy protection after most recent Technical Advisory Committee appointment)
"Citizens' Letters Question Atlanta's Proposed Tree Protection Ordinance." SaportaReport, 7 Apr. 2020
"216-acre Southeast Atlanta Forest Headed for Permanent Preservation." SaportaReport, 31 Mar. 2020
“City of Atlanta Releases Draft of New Tree Protection Ordinance." Atlanta INtown Paper, 27 Mar. 2020
"Atlanta's Development Boom Cleared to Continue During Coronavirus Pandemic." Curbed Atlanta, 26 Mar. 2020
"One Million Trees to Be Saved and Planted in Metro Atlanta by 2030." Atlanta Audubon Society, 6 Mar. 2020
"Above the Waterline: Make Tree Protection a Climate Priority." Atlanta INtown Paper, 4 Mar. 2020
"Site Preparations Begin on New R. Randall Rollins Building." Emory News Center, 4 Mar. 2020
(Concerns the removal of approximately 88 trees and replanting according to Emory’s Forest Management Plan)
"New Atlanta Tree Protection Ordinance Draft Expected in March." Reporter Newspapers, 29 Feb. 2020
"Neighbors Concerned About Safety After Tree Falls and Kills Woman in Buckhead." WXIA, 28 Feb. 2020
"In a City of Trees, 7 Signs Your Atlanta Home Might Be in Danger." Curbed Atlanta, 12 Feb. 2020
"Bringing Surface Lots Up to Code in Midtown." MidtownATL.com, 11 Feb. 2020
(Article addresses bringing Midtown parking lots of to code which includes having a minimum of one tree per eight parking spaces provided)
"Over 8,000 Healthy Trees Felled Yearly As Promised Protections Stall." SaportaReport, 9 Feb. 2020
Leigh Finlayson's tree numbers in this editorial come from an August 22, 2019 report which has since been revised by the City. The new numbers are:
- Total healthy trees permitted: 42,039 (not "48,306"), an average of 7007 trees a year (not "over 8000")
- Annual trees permitted as DDH in 2018-19: 7,384 (not "over 7500")
- Trees removed illegally: 1,261 (not "2,268")
"OPINION: The Felled Feeling of the Fed Cutting Down Trees and Atlanta." Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 5 Feb. 2020
"City of Atlanta Scores Nearly 13 Acres for a New Tree-filled Park." Curbed Atlanta, 4 Feb. 2020
"Jack Guynn Plaza Renovation - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, 29 Jan. 2020
"It Shouldn't Be This Easy to Cut Down Healthy Trees in Atlanta." SaportaReport, 28 Jan. 2020
"Digging Up Soil and Trees: Atlanta Lead Cleanup Begins." Georgia Health News, 27 Jan. 2020
"Why Seattle Residents Are Fighting to Save Their Tree Canopy." US News & World Report, 3 Jan. 2020
(Mentions Atlanta's tree ordinance rewrite attempt.)
"Buckhead's Historic Trees to Be Mapped in Heritage Society Project." Reporter Newspapers, 1 Jan. 2020