Search for Results of a DDH Inspection
Whenever someone files an application to remove a tree(s) as dead, dying, or hazardous (DDH), the City Arborist conducts an inspection and issues an inspection report which describes the condition of each tree and whether or not the tree was approved to be removed as DDH. To access the inspection report for a particular property, follow these instructions below:
- Login to Accela Citizen Access.
- If you don't have login credentials, then you must register with Accela first before you are able to view or print the inspection results for a DDH application.
- Hover your cursor over I Want To and select Search Submitted Applications and Permits.
- On the next page, scroll down and enter either the permit number in the Record Number field, or enter the address in the Street No and Street Name field. Do not enter both. Also, enter the street number in the first Street No field only and do not enter in a Street Type unless your street name applies to numerous street types (i.e. "Peachtree").
- Scroll down and click on the blue Search button.
- If you searched by street address and find multiple permit applications associated with this address, click on the DDH record you want to view. On the next page, you will be in the DDH permit record.
- Once you are in the DDH record, scroll down to locate and click on the blue Print/View Record button.
- The results of the Dead, Dying, or Hazardous inspection will pop up in a separate window. Use the tools at the top of the window to enlarge, download, or print the report.